The 2020 Wisdom On Wheels Awards
I got this idea from The Steve Deace Show’s last show of the year when they host a panel that goes through the best and worst of the year. The categories are theirs; the answers are mine.
1. Most defining political moment- The theft of a presidential election that didn’t cause a bipartisan uprising or create any significant stir in the courts.
2. Biggest winner- Globalists who, whether they know it or not, have gone above and beyond in doing their part for the kingdom of darkness.
3. Biggest loser- America. It might still exist, but the distance between where we are and where we should be is greater than it has been in about a century and a half.
4. Best politician- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for his courage to not just talk a good game, but to demonstrate it through action in the face of the mask wishes and lockdown dreams of most of the rest of the world. Lots of people complain, but many fewer show the courage and leadership to turn their convictions into consistent action.
5. Biggest traitor- The American church because the biggest reason for coming to this land in 1620 was religious freedom, but generally (with some notable exceptions), the American church has bowed the knee to the King George III wannabes of the 21st century in our midst.
6. Most boring- Earth because — look around.
7. Most charismatic- John MacArthur for two reasons: A. His boldness to stay open and his declaration that his church service “violation” be called a peaceful protest was one of the great moments of the year. B. My giving him this award is also a tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic jab because of how he feels about charismatic theology.
8. Bummest rap- Anti-maskers for the false accusation that we are somehow bringing death or suffering in the name of freedom.
9. Fairest rap- The lockdown authoritarians and their legion of Karens who annoy or harass the rest of us, even to the point of trying to ruin the holidays for others.
10. Best comeback- Rush Limbaugh got what would be a crippling death sentence for a lot of people when he was told early this year that he has stage four lung cancer. Yet, he has persevered during the difficult treatments and continued to host his radio show as often as possible, causing his ratings and audience to reach greater heights than ever.
11. Most original thinker- Steve Deace because he may not be the only one who has pushed back against what he calls the “panic porn” this year, but he was one of the first and he hasn’t wavered, which is why his show has become one of my favorites.
12. Most stagnant thinker- Anyone who takes “trust the experts” seriously and refuses to do their own research and critical thinking.
13. Best photo op- President Trump standing next to Justice Barrett on a White House balcony after she took the oath to serve on the United States Supreme Court.
14. What you’re sick of- See # 9 & 12
15. Worst lie- It’s a three-way tie between “There was no election fraud,” “If you don’t support the Black Lives Matter organization, you’re a racist,” and “15 days to flatten the curve.”
16. Most honest- My pastor, Craig Groeschel (Life Church), because even when there have been a few times this year when I haven’t agreed with some things he has said, I have no doubt about where his heart is, his commitment to the Lord, and the open and truthful transparency with which he shares both.
17. Most overrated- Vice President Mike Pence’s Coronavirus Task Force before Dr. Scott Atlas joined it.
18. Most underrated- BlazeTV because, with the vacuum left by Fox News, the great people who are part of that are really going to step up in the years to come to fill the void as the leader in the pursuit of the truth.
19. New Year’s resolution- I went through the Bible for the first time in 2019. I allowed myself to get sidetracked many times from completing that this year. So my goal for 2021 is to do that again.
20. Capitalist of the year- WWE because they didn’t cave to the pressure to cancel Wrestlemania in April. They have not missed one show all year that I know of. And they seem pretty well set to continue pushing forward as long as it takes to get back into any kind of “normal” routine.
21. Person of the year- My friends and family. There are several I could mention (which I won’t because I don’t want to leave anyone out by accident), but without all of you, this year would have been so, so much harder. Thank you, especially to those of you who have spent time with me this year and have made sure I have had everything I’ve needed when I have asked.
22. Big prediction of 2021- That most people will be wishing for it to end like they are wishing for 2020 right now. Those who will fare the best are those who have a close relationship with Jesus and have renewed their minds with the Word of God.
23. Destined for political stardom- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. If Donald Trump doesn’t run again in 2024, and maybe even if he does, he would be one of my top picks for the Republican nomination. Next year, I believe he will step up even more as the leader.
24. Destined for political oblivion- Joe Biden because he already lives in oblivion.
25. Best political theater- The Republican National Convention because it was so well done. The best speakers were not the swamp creatures that make up most of the party’s leadership, but the everyday people who took a stand for their principles and their country. They made the best out of an awkward time with having hardly any people there for almost all of it.
26. Worst political theater- The Democratic National Convention from the awful host’s jokes to the fear and lies they promoted to that silly post-acceptance speech waving in front of a bunch of honking vehicles.
27. Most underreported story- Reputable sources within the government stopped denying the existence of things they cannot explain. They didn’t come right out and say aliens exist (which I don’t believe in), but they did release old videos of things they have seen that cannot be explained by anything we currently know in this world. As I said, I don’t believe in aliens, but I do believe some of the stories are real. I believe this and future revelations in the years to come will become both a cover for supernatural activity of demonic origin and an alternative theory to explain the Rapture.
28. Biggest government waste- The lockdowns that ruined the Trump economy.
29. Best government spending- The free money given by the government earlier this year. Normally, I would not support such “stimulus,” but governments are directly responsible for the harm that has happened in 2020. So they owe the people they have harmed.
30. Boldest political tactic- The Governors of Florida, South Dakota, and Iowa refusing to act as crazy as everyone else and Georgia’s Governor for stepping out on a limb to reopen first.
31. Worst political scandal- The 2020 election steal in multiple counties across the country that, unless changed sometime between now and January 20, 2021, flipped the final presidential election result.
32. Best idea- The Hershey’s triple chocolate cake that my Aunt Brenda bought for Thanksgiving this year.
33. Worst idea- Breaking part of a tooth in the spring and still not getting fixed yet because I don’t like going to the dentist.
34. Sorry to see you go- Ravi Zacharias
35. Worst spin- The COVID-19 death count