My answers for “The Chosen” Bible Study part 1

Steve Johnson
7 min readJul 14, 2021
My first Bible

I am familiar with both the Old and New Testaments in the Bible. It is hard to say which one I am more familiar with. The first time I read the Bible, I read Revelation first. After all, doesn't it make sense to begin a book by reading the end of it first? Actually, the Bible is the only book I have ever done that with. But that's because I was initially introduced to Jesus Christ because of the end times prophecy in the book of Revelation. So it's natural to understand why I have a love for that book to this day. After that, though, I started reading the Bible like any other book. The first Bible I ever had was a Life Application Study Bible: New International Version. I found the study notes extremely helpful. Genesis and Exodus are great. Lots of history and action are in those first two books. When you get to Leviticus, things slow down a little bit. Okay, they really slow down. That's where things like study notes come in handy, even though you should never depend on them because God's Word is God's Word, and nothing can equal it. Overall though, I guess I could say I am equally familiar with both Testaments. There are several books in both sections of the Bible that I have read many, many times. And there are other books I have rarely read. That is especially true for the book of Job. I am fascinated by the interaction between God and Satan and God's reaction to Job at the end of the…



Steve Johnson

My interests are Jesus Christ and all things Christianity, news and politics, current events, conservatism, sports, and entertainment. And I love to write!